I moved here from Richmond, Virginia almost 20 years ago. In the states I sold real estate and remodeled many old colonial homes. I love to see these wonderful old properties here in Merida come back to life. 

I am here to help you make buying your home here in the Yucatan simply and easy. I am here long after the ink dries to help you furnish your new home and help you find those items that are sometimes hard to find. 

I consider all my clients new friends and my partner of 8 years and I look forward to counting you among the many wonderful new home owners here in Merida. 

At the beach or in the city…we are here to guide you into the best decision for you. I am always here if you have questions. Need to talk, then send me your phone number and lets chat. I can be contacted by clicking the contact link below. 

Welcome to my company and to Yucatan.