The year is 1905 and you are visiting Mexico. You want to take something back to a friend or family member from your trip to Mexico. There were generally only two major item, Mexican blankets and wonderful old clay banks. These were especially nice for younger children. Over the years many have been broken and lost to time. They are very fragile and chip with the slightest touch. Most of these old banks were made in Tonila. There were families that this was all they did…make banks.  While they were made all over Mexico the ones from Tonala are the most popular. I have one of the largest collections I know of. I have over 75. I love these old banks and everywhere I travel in Mexico I am always looking for one more. While all animals were popular, the dog was the one most made. They made banks of fruit, animals, people, even the fat bankers of the time. If you travels take you to Mexico…keep a look out for these treasures of a lost time.